

Ultrasound services offered in Cambridge, MA

Ultrasound is a safe, straightforward diagnostic technology used for numerous purposes. Schatzki Associates in Cambridge, Massachusetts, offers expert ultrasound services ranging from aortic aneurysm screening and deep vein thrombosis diagnosis to solid organ analysis and vascular sonography. Call Schatzki Associates to discover how your health could benefit from the team’s expertise in ultrasound.

What is ultrasound?

Ultrasound or sonography creates moving images of the body’s interior using high-frequency sound waves. These sound waves are far too high for a human ear to detect.

A device called a transducer attached to the ultrasound machine transmits the sound waves. The sound bounces back off your organs and tissues through the transducer and into the ultrasound machine, where sophisticated software translates the information to produce an electronic picture.

Ultrasound images are real-time, so you can see a baby moving in the uterus or blood flowing through your veins. Unlike CT scans and X-rays, ultrasound technology doesn’t use ionizing radiation, so it’s the safest form of imaging.

What is ultrasound used for?

The Schatzki Associates team uses ultrasound for multiple purposes, including:

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) diagnosis

A leg venous ultrasound can detect blood clots in the deep veins causing DVT symptoms.

Aortic aneurysm screening and surveillance

Aortic aneurysms are balloons of blood that form in your body’s largest artery. Screening detects these aneurysms before they burst, an event that could prove fatal.

Gynecologic ultrasound

Ultrasounds of the female reproductive system, including hysterosonography (uterine ultrasound) and follicle evaluation in infertility patients.

Obstetrical imaging

The Schatzki Associates team performs specialized procedures such as thyroid and neonatal brain ultrasounds.

Vascular sonography

Vascular ultrasound diagnoses conditions affecting the veins and arteries.  

Breast sonography

Ultrasound can diagnose breast disorders or guide breast-related procedures.

Ultrasound is also invaluable for guiding minimally invasive interventional radiology procedures. These include biopsies (taking tissue samples for lab analysis), thoracentesis (removing fluid or air from around your lungs), vascular access for procedures like kidney dialysis, and abscess drainage.

What does having an ultrasound involve?

Ultrasound is a straightforward procedure that usually occurs while lying on a treatment table. Ultrasounds don’t require injections or use intravenous contrast materials as some diagnostic imaging procedures do.

The ultrasound technologist puts a clear, slippery gel on your skin over the area they intend to scan. The gel allows the transducer to move smoothly over your body, ensuring the device has good contact with your skin. It helps prevent air from getting between your skin and the transducer, which could affect the image quality.

Your technologist slides the transducer over your skin, capturing multiple views of your tissues and organs. These images give your doctor detailed information that helps them diagnose or evaluate your condition.

To learn more about ultrasound scans and why you might need one, call Schatzki Associates today.